weighted.mean | Weighted Arithmetic Mean |
median | Median Value |
mad | Median Absolute Deviation |
sd | Standard Deviation |
quantile | Sample Quantiles |
IQR | The Interquartile Range |
fivenum | Tukey Five-Number Summaries |
qqnorm | Quantile-Quantile Plots |
ecdf | Empirical Cumulative Distribution Function |
binom.test | Exact Binomial Test |
chisq.test | Pearson's Chi-squared Test for Count Data |
poisson.test | Exact Poisson tests |
prop.test | Test of Equal or Given Proportions |
power.prop.test | Power Calculations for Two-Sample Test for Proportions |
prop.trend.test | Test for trend in proportions |
pairwise.prop.test | Pairwise comparisons for proportions |
fisher.test | Fisher's Exact Test for Count Data |
mantelhaen.test | Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel Chi-Squared Test for Count Data |
mcnemar.test | McNemar's Chi-squared Test for Count Data |
t.test | Student's t-Test |
power.t.test | Power calculations for one and two sample t tests |
pairwise.t.test | Pairwise t tests |
var.test | F Test to Compare Two Variances |
wilcox.test | Wilcoxon Rank Sum and Signed Rank Tests |
pairwise.wilcox.test | Pairwise Wilcoxon Rank Sum Tests |
cor.test | Test for Association/Correlation Between Paired Samples |
ansari.test | Ansari-Bradley Test |
bartlett.test | Bartlett Test of Homogeneity of Variances |
fligner.test | Fligner-Killeen Test of Homogeneity of Variances |
friedman.test | Friedman Rank Sum Test |
kruskal.test | Kruskal-Wallis Rank Sum Test |
mauchly.test | Mauchly's Test of Sphericity |
mood.test | Mood Two-Sample Test of Scale |
quade.test | Quade Test |
ks.test | Kolmogorov-Smirnov Tests |
shapiro.test | Shapiro-Wilk Normality Test |
Distributions | Distributions in the stats package |
Binomial | The Binomial Distribution |
NegBinomial | The Negative Binomial Distribution |
Multinomial | The Multinomial Distribution |
Geometric | The Geometric Distribution |
Hypergeometric | The Hypergeometric Distribution |
Poisson | The Poisson Distribution |
Uniform | The Uniform Distribution |
Normal | The Normal Distribution |
Lognormal | The Log Normal Distribution |
Exponential | The Exponential Distribution |
Weibull | The Weibull Distribution |
GammaDist | The Gamma Distribution |
Beta | The Beta Distribution |
Chisquare | The (non-central) Chi-Squared Distribution |
FDist | The F Distribution |
TDist | The Student t Distribution |
Cauchy | The Cauchy Distribution |
Logistic | The Logistic Distribution |
rWishart | Random Wishart Distributed Matrices |
Wilcoxon | Distribution of the Wilcoxon Rank Sum Statistic |
SignRank | Distribution of the Wilcoxon Signed Rank Statistic |
Tukey | The Studentized Range Distribution |
Smirnov | Distribution of the Smirnov Statistic |
qbirthday | Probability of coincidences |
r2dtable | Random 2-way Tables with Given Marginals |
heatmap | Draw a Heat Map |
biplot | Biplot of Multivariate Data |
mahalanobis | Mahalanobis Distance |
dist | Distance Matrix Computation |
cor | Correlation, Variance and Covariance (Matrices) |
cov.wt | Weighted Covariance Matrices |
cancor | Canonical Correlations |
prcomp | Principal Components Analysis |
factanal | Factor Analysis |
cmdscale | Classical (Metric) Multidimensional Scaling |
hclust | Hierarchical Clustering |
kmeans | K-Means Clustering |
AIC | Akaike's An Information Criterion |
step | Choose a model by AIC in a Stepwise Algorithm |
deviance | Model Deviance |
logLik | Extract Log-Likelihood |
lm | Fitting Linear Models |
glm | Fitting Generalized Linear Models |
famiy | Family Objects for Models |
anova | ANOVA Tables |
manova | Multivariate Analysis of Variance |
TukeyHSD | Compute Tukey Honest Significant Differences |
ppr | Projection Pursuit Regression |
isoreg | Isotonic / Monotone Regression |
line | Robust Line Fitting |
nls | Nonlinear Least Squares |
NLSstAsymptotic | Fit the Asymptotic Regression Model |
getInitial | Get Initial Parameter Estimates |
SSasymp | Self-Starting 'nls' Asymptotic Model |
SSasympOff | Self-Starting 'nls' Asymptotic Model with an Offset |
SSasympOrig | Self-Starting 'nls' Asymptotic Model through the Origin |
SSbiexp | Self-Starting 'nls' Biexponential Model |
SSfol | Self-Starting 'nls' First-order Compartment Model |
SSfpl | Self-Starting 'nls' Four-Parameter Logistic Model |
SSgompertz | Self-Starting 'nls' Gompertz Growth Model |
SSlogis | Self-Starting 'nls' Logistic Model |
SSmicmen | Self-Starting 'nls' Michaelis-Menten Model |
SSweibull | Self-Starting 'nls' Weibull Growth Curve Model |
ts | Time-Series Objects |
diff.ts | Methods for Time Series Objects |
diffinv | Discrete Integration: Inverse of Differencing |
ts.union | Bind Two or More Time Series |
start | Encode the Terminal Times of Time Series |
time | Sampling Times of Time Series |
tsp | Tsp Attribute of Time-Series-like Objects |
window | Time (Series) Windows |
lag | Lag a Time Series |
lag.plot | Time Series Lag Plots |
aggregate | Compute Summary Statistics of Data Subsets |
na.contiguous | Find Longest Contiguous Stretch of non-NAs |
acf | Auto- and Cross- Covariance and -Correlation Function Estimation |
spectrum | Spectral Density Estimation |
spec.taper | Taper a Time Series by a Cosine Bell |
cpgram | Plot Cumulative Periodogram |
ar | Fit Autoregressive Models to Time Series |
arima | ARIMA Modelling of Time Series |
arima.sim | Simulate from an ARIMA Model |
ARMAacf | Compute Theoretical ACF for an ARMA Process |
ARMAtoMA | Convert ARMA Process to Infinite MA Process |
Box.test | Box-Pierce and Ljung-Box Tests |
PP.test | Phillips-Perron Test for Unit Roots |
tsdiag | Diagnostic Plots for Time-Series Fits |
decompose | Classical Seasonal Decomposition by Moving Averages |
stl | Seasonal Decomposition of Time Series by Loess |
filter | Linear Filtering on a Time Series |
kernapply | Apply Smoothing Kernel |
kernel | Smoothing Kernel Objects |
HoltWinters | Holt-Winters Filtering |
monthplot | Plot a Seasonal or other Subseries from a Time Series |
ts.plot | Plot Multiple Time Series |
StructTS | Fit Structural Time Series |
tsSmooth | Use Fixed-Interval Smoothing on Time Series |
KalmanLike | Kalman Filtering |
embed | Embedding a Time Series |
toeplitz | Create Symmetric and Asymmetric Toeplitz Matrix |